Topic outline

  • Scientific Article Exercise (SAE) by Prof. Riikka Puurunen.

    • Getting started with the SAE module

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      Page icon
      (page) Six short video lectures related to scientific articles, SAE module
    • Not available unless: Your User account contains (use: contains
      File icon
      SAE introduction slideset File PDF

      Slides updated after the lecture on 11.1.2021, as a deadline was changed from 5.2. to 6.2.
      Zoom lecture capture:

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      URL icon
      SAE evolving feedback file URL
    • Instructions and templates

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      File icon
      (file) Scientific Article Exercise (SAE): Introduction and instructions PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      URL icon
      (link) Scientific Article Exercise (SAE) report template URL
    • Not available unless: Your Email address contains
      File icon
      Aalto CHEM guidelines for written reports (2018 update) File PDF

      Version with some comments by RLP here.

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      URL icon
      (link) Peer evaluation guidelines URL
    • MyCourses activity items for students to complete

    • Group choice icon
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A

      Activity items, 1st batch of deadlines (Items 2 and 3) (DL 18.1.)

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      Assignment icon
      3 (assignment) Return a publisher-formatted pdf of your article (DL 18.1., cut-off 22.1. 14:00)

      Name the file: YourCode_AuthorYear_optionally-something-else-if-you-like.pdf [Example name: A0_Ruuttunen2020.pdf] 

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A

      Activity items, 2nd batch of deadlines (Items 4-9) (DL 25.1.)

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      Workshop icon
      4 (workshop) Return your SAE report (DL 25.1.) and make peer evaluation

      This workshop is used (1) for returning your SAE report and (2) for peer evaluation. 

      • Name your file: YourCode_AuthorYear_optionally-more.pdf (example: A0_Yimetal2020_favouritepaper.pdf)
      [Reports will be shared for peer evaluation latest on 1.2. Peer evaluation DL 6.2.]

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      URL icon
      5a (link) Enter your formatted reference into the collective summary - G Docs alternative (DL 25.1.) URL

      File with hand-made corrections and points (Puurunen, 3.2.2021): link (pdf, Google Drive). 

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      URL icon
      5b (link) Enter your formatted reference into the collective summary - Overleaf alternative (DL 25.1.) URL

      [5b is a trial: let's see if the joint LaTeX file file works, for those interested -- if not, we will all use the Google file of 5a]
      [Update: in 2021, noone dared to edit the LaTeX file, all formatted references were in G Docs. RLP 4.2.2021]

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      URL icon
      6 (link) Article overview and statistics: add your row in the collective summary table (DL 25.1.) URL
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      URL icon
      7 (link) Figure collection: add your pick (DL 25.1.) URL
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      URL icon
      8 (link) Table collection: add your pick (DL 25.1.) URL
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      Turnitin Assignment 2 icon
      9 (Turnitin assignment) Make plagiarism check for your SAE report (DL 25.1.) Turnitin Assignment 2
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A

      Activity items, 3rd batch (Item 10 and peer evaluation part of Item 4) (DL 6.2.)

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      Assignment icon
      10 (assingment) Return your Turnitin report pdf (DL 6.2.) Assignment
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group A
      Reminder: Remember to make peer evaluation in Item 4, to pass the module (DL 6.2.)