
  • The teachers carrying out the practical teaching in this module are Rinna Toikka and Henni Kervinen from the Language Centre. The intended learning outcomes of this module are:

    After succesfully completing the Communication Skills module, the students

    • have improved their skills and competences in communication and collaboration in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment
    • can identify possible further development needs and are ready to make a plan for enhancing their personal communication skills and competences
    To successfully complete this module, the students need to:
    1. Participate two communication workshops
    2. Finish two assignments
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      On these MyCourses pages, there are seven interviews with graduates from Aalto School of Chemical Engineering (or from its predecessors). Watch the interviews and write a short reflection (200-250 words) answering the following questions:

      a) Which communication skills at work seem most relevant for you after watching the interviews and why? Name three most relevant ones and give a short explanation on each.

      b) Reflect on your own communication skills based on your previous experience at work and in your studies. What are your strengths and which skills would you like to improve next?

      c) (Optional) Was there something in the interviews that surprised you or that you found confusing?

       Please submit your reflection here no later than Thursday 12 Nov.

    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller aalto.fi
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      Alumni interviews Sida

      Click the links on this page and watch short video interviews with our School's alumi. The theme of the interviews is "Working-life communication skills".

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      Prepare a pitch about yourself or your thesis work and record it with your phone/laptop/iPad. The pitch should be no longer than two minutes, but a shorter one is preferred. This exercise aims to help you practice summarizing and conveying your message in a short amount of time. Henni will give you more detailed instructions during our first Zoom workshop on week 47. You will need to submit your pitch latest on Friday, November 27th so you will have approximately two weeks to work on the pitch between the workshops.

      Students are supposed to share here as a message a link to their video pitches. Before sharing the link, make sure that others have sufficient rights to watch the video!

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      Click the page open to see a list of communication courses you can study in Language Centre

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
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