Topic outline

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      Group choice icon
      Participation in On-line Exam 2 (15.4.) Group choice

      Enrol here to participate in the exam. Please choose the group in which you belong. Both groups have have the same exam. 

      • One group for those who took the course in 2020-2021
      • One group for those who took the course earlier

    • Quiz icon
      On-line Exam 2, 15.4.2021 (period IV), 14:00-18:00 (4 h) Quiz

      CHEM-E1130 Catalysis on-line Exam 15.4.2021

      • Open book exam = all materials allowed (Covid-19 necessity)
      • Download the exam materials in advance from MyCourses; make sure that you have access to a Periodic Table of the Elements

      • Answer in clear English language. 
      • Include all text answers in the answering boxes of MyCourses. 
      • In some questions, an optional uploading of an image file has been added, for those who wish to support your text-based answer by a (self-made!) drawing. 
      • At the end of the exam, you may write feedback to the teachers.  

      Good luck for the exam!