CHEM-E4106 - Electrochemistry D, 11.01.2021-23.02.2021
This course space end date is set to 23.02.2021 Search Courses: CHEM-E4106
Topic outline
Electrochemistry is a brach of physical chemistry focusing on phenomena taking place in electrochemcial cells. Warning :-)! The course contains some theory as models depicting these phenomena are introduced.
In general, Electrochemistry D gives an introduction to electrochemical systems and their properties. Furthermore, most common electrochemical experimental methods, in theory and in practice, are introduced. It covers chapters 1-8 of our e-book "Electrochemistry". The courses gives a good background for electrochemical systems met in energy storage, metal refinery and bioelectrochemical systems, for excample. Grade of the Fundamental Electrochemistry course is based on pre-lecture assignments, homework problems and an exam.
You can further learn experimental electrochamical measurment methods hands on in CHEM-E4103 Laboratory Work in Physical Chemistry course in Period IV.-
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