
  • Allmänt

    Compulsory course in master level major Sustainable Metals Processing 


    • general flowsheet of a hydrometallurgical process,
    • unit operations in hydrometallurgy,
    • factors affecting operation of unit processes,
    • calculation of mass and energy balances,
    • flow-sheet modeling with HSC Sim.

    Additional Course book Michael L. Free, Hydrometallurgy: Fundamentals and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2013, 458 p. Available at Aalto library e-books (the Finna portal) in the ProQuest Ebook Central site

    Course schedule, Period I

    LecturesExercises and Tutorials

    week 37

    7.9 monday

    (10.15-12.00) Lecture 1: What is hydrometallurgy? Hydrometallurgy as tool for circular economy, Hydrometallurgical flow sheet 

    -no exercises this week

    week 38

    14.9 monday

    (10.15 - 12.00) Lecture 2: Leaching, Driving force and kinetics (lecture task 2 p)

    15.9 Tuesday

    (10.15 - 11.45) Homework 1:

    Graded assignment, leaching extraction calculations, mass balances (10 p) 

    16.9 Wednesday
    (13.15-16.00) HSC exercise 1 - Leaching (6 p) 


    week 39

    21.9 Monday
    (10.15-12.00) Lecture 3: Solution purification and recovery I: Precipitation, SX, IX (lecture task 2 p) )

     12.15 - 16.00 Leaching laboratory; group 1 (tbd)

    22.9 Tuesday

    (10.15-11.45) Homework 2:

    Graded assignment, Solution purification (10 p) - computer class

     23.9 Wednesday
    (13.15-16.00) HSC exercise 2 - Solution purification by chemical precipitation (6 p) - computer class

    week 40

    28.9 Monday
    (10.15 - 12.00) Lecture 4: Solution purification and recovery II: Neutralization, Crystallization, Adsorption (lecture task 2 p)

    12.15 - 16.00 Leaching laboratory; group 2 (tbd)

    29.9 Tuesday

    (10.15-11.45) Homework 3:

    Graded assignment, Solid-liquid separation(10 p)

    30.9 Wednesday
    (13.15-16.00) HSC exercise 3 - solid-liquid separation (6 p)

    Week 41

    5.10 Monday

    (10.15 - 12.00) Lecture 5: Solution purification and recovery III: Cementation, Reduction, EW, ER (lecture task 2 p)

     12.15 - 16.00 Pb removal laboratory; group 1 (tbd)

    6.10 Tuesday

    (10.15 - 11.45) Homework 4:

    Graded assignment, Solvent extraction (10 p)

     7.10 Wednesday
    (13.15-16.00) HSC exercise 4 - SX (6 p)
    Week 42

    12.10 Monday 

    (10.15 - 12.00)  Lecture 6: Process design (lecture task 2 p)

     12.15 - 16.00 Pb removal laboratory; group 2 (tbd)

    13.10 Tuesday

    (10.15 - 11.45) Homework 5:

    Graded assignment, Electrolysis  (10 p)

     14.10 Wednesday 
    (13.15-16.00) HSC exercise 5 - EW (6 p)

     Lab Group 3: 19.10 Leaching lab; 21.10 Pb precipitation lab. 

    Laboratory work and report writing (50 p)

    Course completion (max 140 points):

    *10 points - lecture questions, 30 points - HSC excersises (5*6 p), 50 points (5*10 p) excersises, 50 points - laboratory report, (+2 extra points if over 50% of participants give course feedback)