Topic outline

  • Welcome to CHEM-E7190

    >> November 03: Exercise I with starting code
    >> November 16: Exercise II (For reference, use notes 03, 04, and 05 and training code oneTank)
    >> November 24: Guest seminar (Dynamics and control of wastewater treatment plants, at 14:15)
    >> November 26: Exercise III (For reference, use notes 06, 07, and 08 and code snippets in 10)

    Lecturer,  slack workspace, and office hours

    Francesco Corona ( ) | E331 Kemistintie 1 (Don't!)
    Office hours | WED 12:00-13:00 and FRI 15:00-16:00 | Use this Zoom link
    Communication via slack workspace | Click-me to join (Lecture links, etc)

    CHEM-E7190 is an introductory course on modern process control: We study the mathematical principles and the basic computational tools of state-feedback and optimal control theory to manipulate the dynamic behaviour of process systems. The course aims at bringing understanding of feedback control in process systems, while at the same time showing how this approach can be used in general application domains in chemical and bio-chemical engineering.

    • Introduction to process system analysis (model types and properties, model representations);
    • Mathematical modelling of dynamic process systems with inputs and outputs using ordinary differential equations. State-space representation. Dynamics and stability of linear time-invariant systems. Linearisation of nonlinear systems around a fixed point;
    • Synthesis of state-feedback controllers. Controllability and reacheability. Controllability tests. Eigenvalue placement. Optimal control with the linear quadratic regulator;
    • Full-state observers from sensor data. Observability and detectability. Observability tests. Optimal state estimation with the Luenberger observer.

    Learning outcomes

    • Dynamic process models based on input-output and state-space representations;
    • Process dynamics and stability of linear time-invariant process models;
    • Controllability and observability of linear time-invariant process models;
    • Feedback control and the synthesis of linear quadratic regulators.

    Course evaluation: To pass CHEM-E7190 Home Edition, you must return the solution to all the exercises (80%) and participate (20%) to the course activities. 

    • You get to pick your deadline for returning the exercises. Your deadline must be before APR 16 (2021) at 23:59:59.
    • Once chosen, you must communicate the deadline to the lecturer via email, and stick to it.
    • You must communicate the chosen deadline by DEC 04 (2020) at 23:59:59 (Do not forget to do it, if you want to pass the course).
    • Delayed submissions will be penalised: Your final score will drop by one (1) Oodi point every 24 hours after deadline.

    Grading scheme (0-100 MC to 0-5 Oodi conversion)

    • 5 <-- [88, 100]
    • 4 <-- [76, 88)
    • 3 <-- [64, 76)
    • 2 <-- [52,64)
    • 1 <-- [40,52)
    • 0 <-- [00,40)

    About the exercises (80%)

    • One (1) written report with your solutions;
    • Include your results and your code;
    • Include high-quality diagrams;
    • Discuss your solution/code.

    Upload a (1) single (1) file, only use PDFs. (If you have multiple files, merge them. If you use MSWord or else, save as PDF. If you use MSWord or else and you have multiple files, ...).

    About participation (20%)

    • Engage with the course activities;
    • Comment on the lecture notes;
    • Find and report typos/bugs.

    Collaboration policy: We encourage you to collaborate in figuring out answers and help others solve the problems, yet we ask you to submit your work individually and explicitly acknowledge those with whom you collaborated. We are assuming that you take the responsibility to make sure you personally understand the solution to work arising from collaboration.

    Course material: The course is based on lecture slides and hand-written notes; both will be uploaded here. The material is mostly based on the following textbooks:

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Exercise report/assignment