Topic outline

  • The resources for the 6th week (calendar week 42) of the course

    The sixth week of the course is the last week handling the general OS theory (i.e., textbook issues) of the OS course. It is also the last week of Period I, after which we will have a break before the course continues with more practical issues during Period II.

    We will begin our week with the sixth lecture (Monday 2020-10-12 at 10am), which will be the last theory lecture. Note that despite the formal name ("lecture"), it is a actually a discussion session with some preparations and prepared material. We will have to two main topics: the exam and a summary of the theory part.

    • Note that all material will be available in written form, if you cannot make the session.
    • The slides are in Section Materials

    We will also have the last theory related session on exercises (Monday 2020-10-12 at 2pm), which concentrates on the fifth exercise round (the last theory round).

    • Note that MyCourses may show you some other events as the course hall bookings were made before the corona pandemic (we try to resolve that issue).

    The Course Discussion Forum will remain in use.

    • URL icon
      Course online discussion forum URL
      Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

      Course staff will look into the discussions on a daily basis on the channels:

      • Exercise round n: #round-n
      • General course related stuff: #general