Osion kuvaus

  • This module covers requirements engineering. The module consists of five lecture videos, two readings, one podcast, one quiz, and one written assignment. For interested students, there are two optional readings on wicked problems that are not required to do the quiz or essay, but provide additional insights, in particular for the essay assignment. 

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      This module has five lecture videos. 

      1. Module introduction and overview by Casper Lassenius (15 min)
      2. An Introduction to Requirements Engineering by Ian Sommerville (11 min)
      3. Stakeholders, Viewpoints and Concerns by Ian Sommerville (8 min)
      4. Requirements Engineering Challenges by Ian Sommerville (8 min)
      5. Requirements Engineering Processes by Ian Sommerville (9 min)
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      Cao, L. and Ramesh, B. (2008). 'Agile Requirements Engineering Practices: An Empirical Study', IEEE Software, 25 (1), pp. 60-67.

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      An interview with Professor Marjo Kauppinen about Requirements Engineering (32 min). Recorded 6.2.2013.

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Module 5 quiz Quiz -tehtävä
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      Essay: Requirements engineering in traditional and agile contexts Työpaja
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      Conklin, J. Wicked Problems and Social Complexity. 

      This is an easy read on wicked problems that can serve as a nice introduction. Also mentions design and software engineering activities.

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      Ritter, H.W. and Webber, M.M. 1973. Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences 4, pp. 155-169.

      This is the original paper on wicked problems, an optional but interesting read.