Topic outline

  • The material for this module consists of one video, one textbook chapter, one article, two podcasts, and as usual a quiz and a written assignment

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      Abrahamsson, P., Babar, M.A., and Kruchten, P. (2010). 'Agility and Architecture: Can They Coexist?'. IEEE Software, 27 (2), pp.16-22.

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      An interview with Professor Tomi Männistö about the basics of software architecture in 2015.

      Interviewer: Casper Lassenius. 

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      An interview with Professor Philippe Kruchten about Software Architecture in Iterative and Incremental and Agile Development (29 min). Interviewer: Casper Lassenius. 2015.

    • Quiz icon
      Module 6 quiz

      Quiz on Architecture 

      Do not take this quiz until you have studied the readings AND listened to the podcast.

      The quiz is timed, and you have 30 minutes to do it. 

      You are allowed two attempts. You will get the grade of your best attempt. You will be shown the correct answers to the questions only after the quiz is closed. 

    • Workshop icon
      Essay: Software architecture Workshop

      Write a 700-word essay discussion on the role and importance of software architecture in agile development. Discuss the idea of architecture as an emergent versus planned property of a system, when, how, and by whom architecture should be planned.