Topic outline

  • This module covers software modeling and implementation, and consists of one lecture, two chapters in the book, one quiz and one written assignment.

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      This module has of one compulsory and nine recommended videos. 

      1. Module introduction and overview by Casper Lassenius (65 min)
        • This video suffers from low sound quality, as it is an old lecture recording. 

      Recommended (highly recommended in bold font) videos - Derek Banas UML 2.0 Tutorial

      1. UML 2.0 Tutorial - Use Case Diagrams (13 min)
      2. UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams (12 min)
      3. UML 2.0 Class Diagrams (17 min)
      4. UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams (12 min)
      5. UML 2.0 Communication Diagrams (10 min)
      6. UML 2.0 Timing Diagrams (9 min)
      7. UML 2.0 Component Diagrams (18 min)
      8. UML 2.0 State Machine Diagrams (13 min)
      9. UML 2.0 Deployment Diagrams (8 min)
    • Quiz icon
      Module 7 quiz

      Quiz on Software modeling and implementation 

      Do not take this quiz until you have studied the readings AND listened to the lecture.

      The quiz is timed, and you have 30 minutes to do it. 

      You are allowed two attempts. You will get the grade of your best attempt. You will be shown the correct answers to the questions only after the quiz is closed. 

    • Workshop icon
      Assignment: UML modeling Workshop

      A written excercise on software modeling.

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      Gorschek, T, Tempero, E. and Angelis, L. 2014. On the use of software design models in software development practice: An empirical investigation. Journal of Systems and Software 95 (2014), pp. 176-193.

      An interesting study on the real-world use of design models.