Topic outline

  • Resources for course week 1 (calendar week 44)

    • main activity: the getting the CS-E4110 studies started
      • but also basics of concurrent programming

    Do not start late (the course is only one period long)

    • The course runs mostly on the A+ learning platform and exercises will be there.
    • The course uses Slack as the its primary discussion channel (async). You can find exercise slides there.
    • We will also have regular discussion sessions on Zoom (i.e., in real-time)
    The first general discussion session was on Wednesday 2020-10-28. It concentrated on basics of concurrent programming course practicalities. The slides of the week are below.
    • There was some prepared presentation, but also time for you to ask question and get answers. If you could not attend the session, you can watch the video linked below (or check it anyway).
    The first exercise discussion session was on Friday 2020-10-30. It concentrated on the practical basics of concurrent programming with Scala.

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      Introduction to the course and basic. Remember to consult the course textbook if things on the slides are unclear.