
  • Allmänt

    An extra exam on 23 Dec 2021 for those who still need a retake opportunity. Arranged in the form of an assignment in MyCourses, similarly to the previous ones.

    The second exam on 8 Sep 2021
     is in the form of an assignment in MyCourses, similarly to the first one, see more details in the announcement below.

    The exam on 16 Apr 2021 is in the form of an assignment in MyCourses. Link to the exam is at the end of this page. For more information, see this announcement.

    The course starts with a lecture on 1st March at 16:15 in zoom. The same zoom link applies to later lectures, too.

    The lectures will be recorded and made available for later watching in MyCourses (with restricted access).


    The aim of the course is to provide a broad overview over different aspects regarding visualization of information. Thematically the course is divided in 3 parts:

    1. Basic elements and core principles of visualization.
    2. Human perception and its relation to visualization.
    3. Algorithms for visualizing complex high-dimensional data, interaction in visualizations.

    The first two parts have no prerequisites. For the third part, you should be comfortable with optimization techniques such as gradient descent, as well as linear algebra and some computational tool (R, Matlab, or the like).

    Lecturer and responsible teacher
    Tassu Takala


    Felix Epp

    Omer Khan

    Manila Kodali

    Tayyaba Taimur

    Please use the General Discussion forum below for questions and comments, whenever possible. For individual matters, e.g. grades please use the course e-mail cs-e4840 åt aalto.fi

    • Tillgängligt till 16 april 2021, 17:15
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Exam 16 April 2021 Inlämningsuppgift

      The link will be open between 13-17.

    • Tillgängligt till 8 september 2021, 17:15
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Exam 8 Sep 2021 Inlämningsuppgift

      The link will be open between 13-17 o'clock.

    • Tillgängligt till 28 december 2021, 12:15
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Additional exam 28 Dec 2021 (moved here) Inlämningsuppgift

      The link will be open between 9-12 o'clock.