Topic outline

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      Theory and Content

      Questions are based on lectures and online modules.

      1. What is Digital Transformation? What kind of requirements it sets for management of business organizations, explain and justify briefly three (3) of them? (5p)

      2. Explain the phases how innovations are deployed in industries, how and when their major benefits are obtained and what are their effects on the industrial dynamics and society. (6p)

      3. Briefly describe five (5) typical ways of fostering and organizing innovation. (5p)

      4. Explain briefly five (5) major Market Failures that you see characterizing Internet Economy. (5p)

      5. What is understood with the Platform Economy? Explain shortly its evolution, fundamentals and main impacts for business? (5p)

      6. When a business can be considered digital? Discuss. (4p)

      7. Mini digital transformation case (8p)

      The changes in external business environment, such as globalization, digital transformation and platform economy have set new management related challenges for companies.

      Considering the previous, choose one company (not Apple, Google or Nokia) in the domain of digital business that has had notable challenges and has either failed or succeeded in digitally transforming its business.  

      Discuss briefly the reasons for the challenges and the company's reactions to them. Analyze management's role in the transformation (change management, decisions, strategy changes, etc.).

      Please note: Question 7 is supposed to be based on brief desktop research and the acceptable length can be even less than a half page.

      • Submitted as a PDF
      • Include a cover page with info: assignment name, course code and name, date, student name, student number
      • Single line-spacing.
        • Each question should be answerable between 0.5 to 1 page long answer
        • If you have already prepared you answers do not worry if you are over 1 page. You need to go clearly off-topic for the extra length to be counted against you.
      • Font size 12
      • Name the PDF: CS-E5130-yourlastname-yourfirstname-individual-assignment-2020