Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to the 2021 edition of Hands-on Network Analysis!

    Having done the Complex Networks course (CS-E5740), you have learned a lot about networks, but your appetite is not yet satisfied. You want more!

    If this is you, then Hands-On Networks Analysis is the course for you!

    In this course, you will work in small teams. Each team is given some real-world network data of choice and some hints on research questions that the data could perhaps provide answers for. You will then develop your own research plan, start crunching the data according to the plan, look at the results, and modify your targets accordingly (often, the data will guide the way!). In other words, you will get real hands-on research experience.

    We provide you with data, tips for research questions, tutorials, and assistants for your team who follow your work and give feedback & ideas. We have six 4-hour sessions, where all teams get together, present their latest findings to others, get feedback, and do research (the teams are expected to work outside these sessions, too). We recommend using a version control system (GIT) for you code and results, so if you haven't used one before, this is a great chance to learn.

    The course will be organized remotely. All meetings will take place in Zoom, and we encourage also the teams to not meet face-to-face.

    There is no exam, and the course will be graded as pass/fail; for passing, one needs to just actively participate in the course meetings and team work.

    For available topics, click on "Projects" in the left-hand menu; you don't need to pick your topic beforehand, though. On the first lecture, we'll present all topics and you can ask us questions before choosing.