Osion kuvaus

  • The course Zulip chat for all course-related discussion is at cs-e5700.zulip.cs.aalto.fi. Log in with you Aalto username and password; when logging in for the first time, multifactor authentication is required (for details, see https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/aalto-multifactor-authentication-on-office-365-accounts; requires Aalto login). You can use the chat for all course-related discussions, both inside your group and with the course staff. Feel free to create new streams as you need!

    For managing the code created during the course, we use the Aalto version control system Version (version.aalto.fi; requires Aalto login). Please create there a repository for your group's project - don't forget to give your instructor at least guest membership. For a quick guide to Version, see https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/aalto-version-quick-guide (since Version is git-based, most of the tips apply to other git servers, e.g. Github, as well).

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