
  • Exercise problems

    Exercise problems will be posted on this page. For each exercise (except the first one), you will be given a Jupyter notebook template. The problems typically involve Python programming, and we will practice using Jupyter notebooks and Python during the first session. Your submitted solution should be either one .ipynb file or one pdf file. In either case, you must embed all your code, math and explanations in one report.

    Slack workspace 

    The most important resource for getting help in exercises is our Slack workspace. Join the Slack workspace through the invitation link that is posted on this page. 

    • Send a message to one of the #exercise* channels if you want all people to see it and be able to answer
    • It is not allowed to share complete solutions or long pieces of code to others
    • If you have a question where you need to show your entire code or solution or otherwise don't want to ask it publicly, send a direct message to the teaching assistant (TA) 
    • Send a message to the #tools channel if you have a problem installing something etc.
    • Send a reply to the #queue channel during a Zoom session to join the help queue (see below)

    Zoom sessions
    Each Wednesday there will be an exercise session in Zoom (see invitation link below). Participation is not mandatory. Install the latest version of Zoom (version 5.3.1 or later). We will use features that might not be available in earlier versions. 

    In each session:
    1. The TA(s) give a brief introduction to the current week’s exercise.
    2. Everyone starts working on the exercise on their own. If you want to work in small groups or as a pair to solve the exercises, join an unoccupied breakout room where you can discuss in private. 
    3. If you need help from the TA(s), join an unoccupied breakout room (if you are not in one already). Go to the Slack channel called #queue and reply in the queue thread created for the session by the TA. The comment should include your breakout room number. TA(s) go through the thread in the order of the comments and join your breakout room to help you. After getting help you may leave the breakout room. If you need help again, repeat the steps above.
    4. If time runs out and you are still in the queue, ask your question via message in Slack

    Installing and using Python/Jupyter

    Probably the easiest way to do the exercises and create a report that you submit is with Jupyter notebooks. You can run .ipynb notebooks

    1. On your own computer. 

    • See this guide for instructions on how to install the Jupyter Notebook App and get started with using notebooks on your own computer.
    • Download ExerciseX.ipynb from MyCourses
    • Save it somewhere on your computer
    • Start the Jupyter Notebook app and navigate to the directory where you have ExerciseX.ipynb
    • Start editing it (or a copy of it) until you are done, save edits using Control+S
    • Click Kernel > Restart and Run all and check that the output looks as desired
    • Submit to MyCourses

    2. Remotely on Aalto computers using Aalto VDI

    •   go to https://vdi.aalto.fi/
    •   log in to an Ubuntu 18.04 computer
    •   create a directory where you want to store your exercises
    •   open a web browser on the remote computer, go to MyCourses and download the exercise template (ExerciseX.ipynb file)
    •   save it in your exercise directory
    •   open terminal and navigate to your exercise directory
    •   type module load anaconda3/latest and then jupyter notebook
    •   if browser doesn't open the Jupyter notebook app automatically, open the browser and go the localhost::XXXX address you see in the terminal
    •   open your ExerciseX.ipynb file using the Jupyter notebook app and start editing until you are done, save changes with Control+S
    •   Click Kernel > Restart and Run all and check that the output looks as desired
    •   Submit to MyCourses using the remote computer

    3. In Google colab

    • Go to Google Colab , you probably need a Google account to do this
    • Click File > Upload notebook
    • Choose an ExerciseX.ipynb file you downloaded from MyCourses and start editing until you're done
    • Click Restart and Run all and check that the output looks as desired
    • Download the notebook on your own computer and submit to MyCourses

    If you don't want to use notebooks, you can also just use write your scripts in .py files and return a pdf with code and figures attached.