Topic outline

  • General


    Morning meetings at 9:30 AM each day
    Physically in room R107

    Or join via Zoom:
    Topic: Open Workshop (and Demo Day Planning)

    2020 Implementation

    This year this course will be organized in the following way. It will be more of a "let's tie some loose ends" type of course. Many courses have been much harder to actually follow through with the restrictions we have in place, so this gives some time and space to finish up.

    Two ways to take part in this course:

    1. ON-CAMPUS: You are in one of Matti's courses (Electronics for Artists, Introduction to Workshops and Studio Facilities) and you need access to the school workshops and hands-on tutoring.
    2. ONLINE: You want to join in to create the Demo Day event or the after party. We are looking for people to help us produce the virtual event for Demo Day on December 16th. There is some existing structure, but

    Demo Day Team

    The Demo Day team will be working remotely to produce and prepare the event during the workshop week.

    The Winter Demo Day will be a livestreamed event of the project presentations and a website with further information about all the various projects. The event will most likely be streamed from Matti's home or from some location in Väre if it is possible to do so.

    What kind of tasks need filling:

    • Help with the actual event itself. What do we need:
      • Help with filling out the content on the website for each project
      • Potential redesign of the layout of the website
      • Some motion graphics for the livestream (transition animations, intros, title texts etc.)
      • If someone would like to be the MC/host of the event, I think everyone is a bit tired of seeing my face everywhere.
    • Program for an online after party.
      • Do you want to DJ or perform via livestream to other people?
      • Do you want to organize a game night (perhaps even with a game you have made)
      • Do you want to livestream video of your dog for the entire evening?
      • All of these and many other things could be part of the Demo Day after the official presentations. Currently, we have been discussing about setting up a Discord server with multiple rooms for different program, but other ideas are welcome.