
  • To pass the course you need to be present 10 times, including:

    • 1st presentation – one-page summary of your topic ready, 10 minutes
    • 2nd presentation – table of contents and one chapter ready, 20 minutes
    • Being someone's opponent ie. commenting on their 2nd presentation

    Note that you can collect the necessary presence from both the afternoon and evening seminar if needed, even over multiple academic years. When you've done everything mentioned above, ask either Markku or Teemu for the credits, as we can't really poll people's attendance all the time.

    Note that starting from fall 2020, you'll get the thesis credits in three parts: after the 1st presentation, after the 2nd and when the thesis is accepted, 10 ECTS each. We will submit the credits "automatically" after the respective two presentations (i.e. remind us if they don't appear).