
  • General guidelines for doing well on the course

    • Previous years the students have found the course quite demanding but also rewarding.
    • Do not feel overwhelmed by all the terminal commands! The first (OpenFOAM) assignment is done together and by the end of the second assignment you will already have memorized the commands.
    • Reserve enough time for the course lectures and assignments and start the assignments early. It is a good idea to start doing the assignments before coming to the exercise sessions to be able to ask more specific questions.
    • The course consists of 5 simulation exercises (OpenFOAM) and a final project. No exam!
    • More information on the final project will be given later.
    • For each assignment, you should return a clear and well-written report (single .pdf file), which is evaluated. No other file format is acceptable!
    • In your reports, make sure that all the figures have captions, all plots are readable and if you add a figure you should refer to it in the text.
    • The main focus of the course is not writing but if you return a report which is difficult to read, points will be reduced. Check the example report below.
    • You can write your reports any way you want but using LaTeX will make your life easier during the course and especially in your master's thesis.
    • The exercise sessions and the general discussion forum are the best places to ask questions. Especially the latter is preferred so that all the course students can see the questions and answers.
    • All exercise sessions will be held online through Microsoft Teams. For the first two exercise sessions, try to get access to an Aalto Linux station physically (by going to Maari-A, for example). We will give instructions on how to access Aalto Linux machines remotely later on.
    • Instead of accessing Aalto Linux machines remotely, consider installing some Linux distribution to the machine you use at home. The installation can be done alongside a Windows installation.