Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opettaja

    In this six-week course we shall focus on the interesting phenomenon of electromagnetism. How are electric and magnetic fields created, how do they interact and how do electromagnetic waves propagate? Lectures on Mondays 12-14 and Wednesdays 10-12, exercise sessions on Thursdays 10-12., all in Lecture hall AS1 in Maarintie 8 (TuAS-talo). First lecture on Monday 1 March. CHANGE (February 24): Aalto administration has decided not to allow contact teaching for the course (due to too many registered students). We will start anyway Monday, 1 March at noon, using Zoom-meeting technology.

    We will closely follow the textbook, David K. Cheng: Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics (several editions). Amazon seems to sell it for around 20 USD. Also in the Aalto University library, several copies are available. The book Field and Wave Electromagnetics by the same author is a more extensive version of the same material, and is also a good source, containing additional details for any interested student.

    Homework problems are to be returned weekly. They are graded and their outcome forms 50% of the final grade of the course. The other half comes from the course exam on Wednesday 14 April.

    Unfortunately we cannot arrange a live exam. The exam will be an online exam on Wednesday 14 April afternoon 1-4 p.m. In the exam you are allowed to use the textbook of the course and a calculator but no other material. (I trust that you will perform the exam independently and using only the allowed material.) The exam will be administered through MyCourse pages.


    Ari Sihvola