Topic outline

  • General

    Micronova lab course 2020.

    Do you want to get hands on experience in the most common characterization methods used in micro and nanotechnology?

    Curious about what happens in Micronova, the leading micro and nanotechnology research center of Finland?

    If yes, this course is for you.

    These MyCourse pages will be updated during the course,

    ELEC-E3280 Micronova Laboratory Course, 5 cr ,Teaching Period  I-II

    The course is  primarily intended for students majoring in the following subjects

    • Micro- and Nanosciences, or
    • Advanced Materials and Photonics.

    If more than 25 students enroll, students in above mentioned majors have priority.

    The course consists of five lab works:
    1.  Thin film analysis using X-ray reflectivity  (Period 1, weeks 38-39)
    2.  2D materials for photonics  (Period 1, weeks 40-41)
    3.  Photoluminescence  of Nano wire (Period 2, weeks 43-44)
    4. Semiconductor nanowire analysis with SEM  (Period 2, weeks 45-46)
    5.  Photovoltaics (Period 2, weeks 47-48)

    Each lab work consists of pre-lab exercises, the actual lab work and a final report. Pre-lab exercises will be done individually, the lab works and final reports in groups of 2-4. 

    Teaching personnel:

    Teacher: Ramesh Raju

    Lab work 1. Ramesh Raju

    Lab work 2. Suvi-Tuuli Akkanen 

    Lab work 3. Ornella Laouadi

    Lab work 4. Henrik Mäntynen

    Lab work 5. Toni Pasanen

    Passing and grading:
    The course is graded pass/fail
    The following must be completed in order to pass the course:
    • Accepted pre-lab exercises for all 5 lab works
    • Participation in each 5 lab works
    • Accepted final reports for all 5 lab works

    5 ECTS

    Learning Outcomes: 
    Students get familiar with laboratory works within micro and nanotechnology. They also gather knowledge of the characterization methods and equipment available in Micronova.

    Study Material:
    Variable literature related to the lab works.

    First year studies of the NanoRad Masters Programme

    Language of Instruction: 