
  • Thank you for participating in Microwave engineering I course in the winter of 2021!

    Your final points and percentage of the total points are given on the row (column) "Course total" ("Kurssiyhteenveto") of the Grading page. The final grades have been given based on the initial plan (50% → 1, 60% → 2, ... , 90% → 5). If you are not satisfied with the grading of the course, contact the course responsible teachers.

    The course will be organised for the next time in winter of 2022.


    The course is primarily meant for the first-year Master's students in the Master's Programme of Electronics and Nanotechnology, especially within the major of microwave engineering, but also in space science and technology and circuit design. This course would also probably suit well for the last-year Bachelor's students of the electrical engineering (EST) programme. Other students, for instance, in wireless communication, engineering physics or anyone who is interested in the topic and master the pre-knowledge (e.g., circuit and field theory) are warmly welcome, too! 

    This course is the first part of the microwave engineering course series, followed by ELEC-E4430 Microwave engineering II (taught directly after the MWE I) and ELEC-E4440 Microwave engineering workshop (in the autumn of 2021). The related courses that are running in parallel are ELEC-E4410 Electromagnetic and circuit simulations (taught also in Period 3) and ELEC-E4450 Antennas (in Periods 4-5), followed by the ELEC-E4740 Antennas workshop course in the autumn of 2021. Other supplementary courses are ELEC-E4750 Radiowave propagation and scattering (next time 2022), ELEC-E4760 Terahertz Techniques (next time 2022), ELEC-E4720 Advanced Circuit Theory (next time 2022) and ELEC-E4920 Special Assignment in Radio Science and Engineering.