Osion kuvaus

  • The course will be evaluated based on the following criteria (out of 100).

      • Final exam: 90 Points. It contains three parts such as
            • Quick questions (10 Bonus Points). The questions of this part are mainly from the extra-explanations provided in the class.
            • Definitions and Concepts (35 to 45 Points). 
            • Problems (45 to 55 Points).
      • Homework/assignments: 10 Points.
      • 10 Bonus Points for the FEM assignment.
      • Up to 5 Bonus Points for group activities in the class (1 Bonus point per activity). 

    The final grade is calculated as follows: 

    =0.1*[FEM Assignment; Bonus out of 100]+0.1*[Home Work, out of 100]+0.05*[Group Activity, Bonus out of 100]+1*[Final exam, out of 90]

    Grade Letters
    100.00 %88.00 %5
    87.99 %76.00 %4
    75.99 %64.00 %3
    63.99 %52.00 %2
    51.99 %40.00 %1
    39.99 %0.00 %0

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut mihin tahansa ryhmään
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      Course Resources Tiedosto PDF

      Please find the course resources in the following PDF file. 

      Note that Course literature is not a mandatory requirement. Lecture slides provide the required material to pass the course.