
  • ELEC-E9210 Organic Electronics: Materials, Devices and Applications


    molecule-based people holding hand like they are dancing

    In this course, we are going to learn about organic materials and their properties, how they are used in devices with novel functionalities, and current applications. More info here.

    We will use MicrosoftTeams for our virtual classes and activities. A MTeams group "ELEC-E9210_Organic Electronics: Materials, Devices and Applications" has been created and you will be soon invited to join (through your Aalto email account). We will meet there on the day of the class. Please remember that attendance is not mandatory, but presence and active participation in class will earn you extra-points. 

    Here you can find also the link to the MTeams group folder ELEC-E9210_Organic Electronics: Materials, Devices and Applications

    For any information on the course and MyCourses page, or if you are encountering any problem with MC space, please contact Caterina Soldano at firstname.lastname@aalto.fi.   

    Remember that in order to participate in this course, you have to register in Oodi.
