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      Note: Once you start the quiz, you have 30 minutes to complete it. In each question 1 or more answers is correct. You need to select all correct answers and only correct answers in a question to get a point.

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Lecture 4-5 quiz Quiz -tehtävä
    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Lecture 6 Quiz Quiz -tehtävä
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kenttä Käyttäjätunnus sisältää (käytä: aalto.fi) on aalto.fi
      Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Lecture 4-6 practice quiz (not graded in the course) Quiz -tehtävä
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      Lecture 7 quiz Quiz -tehtävä
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      Lecture 8 quiz Quiz -tehtävä
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      Partial exam 1 Quiz -tehtävä
    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Partial Exam 1, resit 1 Quiz -tehtävä
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kenttä Käyttäjätunnus sisältää (käytä: aalto.fi) on aalto.fi
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      Partial Exam 1, resit 2 Tehtävä
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      Partial Exam 2 Quiz -tehtävä
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      Partial Exam 2 resit Quiz -tehtävä
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      Partial Exam 2 resit 2 Quiz -tehtävä
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      Partial Exam 3 Quiz -tehtävä
    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Partial Exam 3 Resit 1 Quiz -tehtävä
    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Partial Exam 3 Resit 2 Quiz -tehtävä
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kenttä Käyttäjätunnus sisältää (käytä: aalto.fi) on aalto.fi
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      Partial exam 3 - essay Tehtävä

      Essay subject: Finite Element Method algorithm for nonlinear materials

      The essay should be 4-7 pages long, Arial 12 or similar font, figures included in the page count.

       Essential parts of the essay:

      1. Introduction (what is Finite Element method, what kind of problems we can solve with FEM, what is nonlinear material, approximately 0,5-1 page)
      2. Finite Element algorithm for nonlinear materials – points and short description, possibly few equations, explanation where in the algorithm the Newton Raphson method is used and reference to the next section (1-2 pages)
      3. Explanation of Newton – Raphson method – in depth explanation of subsequent actions taken and how those are performed, some equations, figure (1-2 pages)
      4. Possible errors in non-linear analysis on an example. Discuss errors in the analysis related to calculation of settlements of a foundation and limit load of a foundation (alternative – settlements of embankment and limit load leading to loss of stability of an embankment) (1.5 – 3 pages).
      5. Conclusions (short)

      If needed, you can include references, those do not count towards page limit

      The deadline is 22 days late, so we have 66% of decrease of the grade above 50%. That means the grading will be 50% to 67%. The essay can be used to improve the grade from partial exam 3, the maximum grade improvement is capped at 15%.

      Essays will be strictly checked against each other and materials available in the internet, so please ensure that your work is fully original.