LC-1112 - Online Presentations Skills for Engineers (o) - V07, 07.09.2020-18.10.2020
This course space end date is set to 18.10.2020 Search Courses: LC-1112
Topic outline
Instructor: Laura Humphries
Contact Info:
Details on the schedule :
-There are two, compulsory, online meetings via Zoom; one in Week 4, practice presentations, and one in Week 6, final presentations.
Meeting Schedule:
Week 4, practice presentations (September 28th):
-Meeting Schedule Link: All meetings held on 28.09 (can also be found under Week 4 Assignments).
Week 6, final presentations (October 12th):
-Meeting Schedule Link: All meetings held on 12.10 (can also be found under Week 6 Assignments)