Osion kuvaus

  • LC-1120 Online Persuasive Presentations Skills 1ECTS

    Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

    Instructor:  Nanna Qvist   ( nanna.qvist@aalto.fi )
                         Aalto University Language Centre           
    :   27 h (independent online study 23 h, small group meetings 4 h )

    During this course, you will construct and deliver one specific type of persuasive presentation in English, an elevator pitch (EP).  The 1-2-minute talk will be on a topic related to your field of study and aimed at non-expert audiences of a client or funding organisation.  The course familiarises you with the elements of persuasion, and you will practise your talk in small groups, giving and receiving constructive feedback, before creating the final version of the pitch.

    You will progress through the course by working mainly independently and online on weekly assignments, which are to be completed by the deadline posted. As we apply a process approach to learning,  it is important that you commit to working regularly and reserve enough time for completing the assignments on schedule each week.

    During this course, you will interact with the teacher and fellow students three times through Zoom or in-class (or both): 1) an opening session with the whole group, 2) a practice session, where you practise the pitches, giving and receiving feedback in smaller groups; 3) and one pitching event, where you present the final version of the elevator pitch. These three contact sessions are obligatory, not optional, and it's important that you have a working camera and microphone available. 

    • The first meeting, the opening session, is during Week 1 for carrying out Assignment 1:  Tue 27.10. on Zoom, at 14.15-15.45 (the invitation will be linked in Week 1).                  
    • Practice sessions: Thu 19.11., at 14.00-15.30; or Fri 20.11., at 11.00-12.30.
    • Final pitching events: Wed 2.12., at 15.00-16.00; or Thu 3.12., at 10.00-11.00.
    A more detailed schedule will be confirmed later for each student: the final number of practice sessions and pitching events will depend on the total number of course participants.  You can sign up for these sessions later, closer to the date, at Scheduler 1: practice sessions (sign up!) and Scheduler 2: final pitching event (sign up!).