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    This beginners' course starts on Wednesday 9th of September

    online (at least during the first period) in ZOOM  at 12:30 - 14.

    We use the textbook Freut mich 1 (FinnLectura), please get the book beforehand.

    Bis bald / see you soon / nähdään pian!

    • You find a file with the program of each lesson and the homework to prepare for the next one always in the sections.

      The file for or of our first meeting is in section "Einleitung".

    • Quiz icon

      Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2020

      11:30 - 14 Uhr (60 minutes within this time)

    • File icon
      for more details on what happened in class and homework check sections
    • File icon

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