
  • Kiina 1 中文一

    View of a Chinese mountain range

    2020年9月11日 – 2020年12月04日

    Friday 9:15-11:30 

    老师 Teacher :   Saana Virtanen saana.virtanen@aalto.fi

    课本 Course material: Chi le ma 吃了吗 by Jinhua Cheng, Elina Annala, Veli-Matti Palomäki

    学习内容 Course content: Chi le ma 吃了吗 Chapters 1-3, teacher's material

    课程介绍Couse requirements: 

    • luennoille osallistuminen (kontaktiopetusta yhteensä 36 h, poissaolo 20% sallitaan eli 2-3 kertaa), aktiivinen osallistuminen (10%) / participation (contact teaching 36 h, 20% absence allowed, about 2-3 times) (10%) Please note, that due to the current circumstances the classes will be held online, participation to online lectures is still required.
    • harjoitustehtävien palauttaminen (20 %)/ homework exercises (20%)
    • sanakokeet 3 kpl / 3 word tests
    • esitelmä (5 分钟) (20 %) / 5 minute presentation (20%)
    • loppukoe 04.12.2020 klo 9:15 (kirjallinen koe) (50 %) / Final exam on 04.12.2020 9:15 (written exam) (50%)

    评分 Arvostelu: arvosteluasteikko 1 -5. Grading 1-5

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      Presentation during class or recording? Opinionsmätning

      You can do the presentation live on zoom on 27.11. or you can record it and upload it/send by email to saana.virtanen@aalto.fi if file size is too big. Just let me know by end of 22.11. by answering this poll. You can only choose once, so don't answer before you're sure. If you chose during class, but something unexpected came up, let me know by email.

      Your answer is not visible to other students.