Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen


    程金华 Jinhua Cheng       Jinhua.cheng@aalto.fi

    Learning Outcomes:  

    This is a supporting course for Chinese 1 course. Students learn approximately 150 new characters and study vocabulary related in Chinese 1 course.


    Study Material:

    • 吃了吗 Chi le ma ? (Kiinan peruskurssi / a course in basic Chinese)
    • © 2019 the authors and Otava Publishing Company Ltd     Finn Lectura

    (Teacher will upload the assignments, NOT compulsory to buy the textbook)

    Course content : Chi le ma textbook chapter 1-3 vocabulary.


    Assessment Methods and Criteria:

    1. Self-study
    2. 3 assignments 
    3. and a final (group) examination.


    We start the course after the Zoom meeting:    23.09.20     wed 12.15-13.45, 

    Zoom link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67505016763          


    About the characters test date,  we have three possible dates below: 

    • Classroom test on 30.11,  Monday 9.50 -12.30   (Place: Otakaari 1, U wing, second floor, classroom U261)  
    • Classroom or Zoom test on 9.12    Wednesday   15.00-17.00   (Otakaari 1, U wing classroom U261 or join Zoom test  https://aalto.zoom.us/j/65644078934 ) 
    • Classroom or Zoom test on16.12  Wednesday   12.30-15.00   (Otakaari 1, U wing classroom U 261 or join Zoom test https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62767664068


    Return and upload the assignments in MyCourses or directly give them to the teacher the latest on the test date (16. 12.2020).                                                                                 

    One important link: http://www.archchinese.com/chinese_english_dictionary.html