Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to LCA-1002–Expressing your Expertise (o,w)

    This is an introductory language course for students of Thematic Studio 1.
    In this course, you will be introduced to the culture of writing and speaking academically in English. A culture where the Writer is responsible for getting the message across in writing and speaking.
    In Thematic Studio 2, you will, in more depth, continue to refine texts and presentations.

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    Dates and times:

    01.03. -05.04.21

    Monday 09.15-12.00

    04.03. -08.04.21

    Thursday 13.15-15.45

     This course introduces written and oral communication principles and strategies that are applicable to professional and academic purposes.

    Students begin by writing on a topic from their own field of study. To enhance readability of the texts, students apply organizational patterns, such as problem-solution, as well as employ other writing principles that make comprehension of sentences and paragraphs easier.

    Based on their written work, students deliver an oral presentation. As part of the learning process, students analyze presentations to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, as well as practice organizing and presenting information clearly to a non-expert audience.

    Throughout this course, students work individually, in pairs and in small groups to develop their presentation and writing skills. Moreover, students give and receive constructive feedback on their work and revise it accordingly.


    • Small-group instruction          30
    • Independent study                  51


    Course requirements 


    Preparatory assignments        40

    A2 Introduction Paragraphs   25

    Final presentation                     25

    Active Participation in Class   10

                                              Total 100


    Grading 1 – 5

    5       93 – 100

    4       85 – 92

    3       77 – 84

    2       69 – 76

    1       61 – 68

      Attendance and absences

      • Participants are allowed 2 absences, each additional absence (=90 min lesson) reduces the total points by 5%.

      Preparatory assignments

      • must be completed on time. Late submissions not accepted.
      • no make-up work possible.
      • must be rewritten according to teacher's feedback and resubmitted.
      • teacher feedback on two written assignments

      • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
        Scheduler icon
        Final Presentations Scheduler
      • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
        File icon
        Writing assessment rubric File PDF