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  • Course Information


    The secret of being a bore... is to tell everything.


    Welcome to LCA-1008 - Writing in Art, Design & Architecture!
    02.03. -06.04.21
    Tuesdays 15.15-17.45, Via Zoom
    04.03. -08.04.21
    Thursdays 15.45-18.15, Via Zoom

    Zoom link for Lesson 12

    Meeting ID: 661 8171 5492

    In this course, students develop their skills in producing texts related to art, design and architecture. Since the writing process parallels the stages of working in many of these fields of art, design and architecture, this course also goes through the stages of generating and developing ideas, exploring points of views, researching, revising, structuring and co-editing text.

    The course combines elements of both creative and academic or professional writing. The initial writing exercises start with a more creative approach incorporating exploration, reflection and other such techniques. As students gain confidence in writing, the course moves to address formal and academic or professional writing. In addition to the differences between formal and informal writing, the course covers formal text structure as well as cohesion and coherence.

    Throughout the course, students collaborate with their peers through brainstorming, sharing ideas, responding to each other’s writing, and giving feedback. Four of the sessions will take place online.

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

    • Write more competently about concepts related to art, design and architecture
    • Demonstrate the stages of writing from inspiration to revision and final work
    • Construct sentences and paragraphs that are cohesive and easy to read
    • Write both formal and informal texts

    Assessment (0-5)

    • Written assignments from the planning stage to the final version 70%
    • Completion of short (informal/formal) writing activities 20%
    • Continuous assessment of active contribution 10%


    Small-group instruction 24 h + Independent study 54 h

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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      Preliminary Schedule Tiedosto DOCX
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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      preliminary assignment schedule Tiedosto DOCX
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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      Writing Assessment Rubric Tiedosto PDF