MEC-E1005 - Modelling in Applied Mechanics, 20.04.2021-26.05.2021
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 26.05.2021 Etsi kursseja: MEC-E1005
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Welcome to the Spring 2021 MEC-E1005 course! General information on the course can be found from the video below or from these slides. Also see below the instructions for downloading the software needed etc.
(pdf version of the schedule can be found below)
Please enroll to the course as soon as possible!During this project course, students develop understanding on (1) modelling in applied mechanics, (2) use of some of the most common numerical solution methods in mechanics, (3) experiments on real structures, and the interplay of (1), (2) and (3) in engineering work. Most projects are related with displacement, vibration, and stability analyses of toy structures or structural parts but projects on rigid body dynamics and Arctic technology may be also offered. The course also includes practice on scientific writing and support for the writing, as the students write technical reports on the measurements and modelling.
After the course a student will be able to: (1) Apply the principles and methods used in problem solving in the field of applied mechanics, (2) use some of the most common numerical modelling tools on solving typical mechanical engineering problems and (3) perform a critical evaluation, potential validation, and analysis on the correctness of the modelling results.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Spring 2021 course will be organized online:
Teaching events: all teaching events are online and will use either Zoom, Teams, or GoToWebinar.
FEM sofware: The commercial software for numerical calculations is Ansys. Before the Ansys workshop (27-28.4.2021), you should download the free student version from and practice with the steps of numerical analysis by Ansys. The following links may be useful:
Alternatively, you may use the Mathematica code of the finite element method courses MEC-E1050 and MEC-E8001 available in MyCourses.
Experiments: Instead of experiments on physical structures (as usually), the experimental part consists of analysis of the measured data. The values of the geometrical and material parameters etc. required in the modelling of structures are given in the homepage.
Reports: The outcome of each assignment is a report given by a group. Reports should qualify as technical reports in format and contents. Scientific writing is discussed in the first lecture of the course and you will get feedback on your writing in writing clinics. Also, an example of a technical report will be made available in the homepage. The report should be returned at the end of the two-week period for an assignments. Grading of reports is based on the final versions to be returned by 13.06.2021.