
  • Allmänt

    Latest update 28.12.2020



    The grading has been done and the information has been sent to the register.

    The total grading simply like this:
    boundary 90 points -> 5
    boundary 80 points ->4
    boundary 70 points ->3

    The feedback documents have been uploaded for you, also.

    Thank you for your activity during the course and ...

    Happy New Year 2021!

    All the assignments should be graded

    The feedback documents have been uploaded for you

    Happy Holidays!

    Some assignments graded

    - Simscape Simulation assignment 2

    - Calculation Assignment 3 for Groups

    Feedback files will be added also.


    Simscape Simulation assignment 2, correction (Powerpoint updated)
    • ηpump.t.overall means
    • Pump’s total efficiency during UP/DOWN operation
    • Not only lowering!



    Lecture on 1.12.2020

    Information related to

    Calculation Assignment 3 for Groups

    Simscape Simulation assignment 1



    No Simulation exercise on Wednesday (25.11.2020)

    Calculation Assignment 3 for Groups

    Updates (2) (new material):

    1. Powerpoint file "Solving Assignment 3_1" added to help Solving Assignment 3.1

    2. MathCad file "Vectors", new version

    - Read this MathCad file Multiplication of vectors and elements in vectors.mcdx for instructions

      - Assignment 3.1 includes multiplication of vectors by scalars and also multiplication of individual vector elements.

    The Assignment 3 will be explained on Tuesday 1.12.2020



    Assignment 2 results ready

    On Tuesday also possibility to continue Servo simulation:

    The Servo simulation assignment

    If you have problems for example with

    - PI and/or PID

    - Autotuner ("won't work, even though I have the license")

    Check the new instructions ("hints") under Servo simulation assignment

    Also, new Powerpoint report template available, you can also use that.



    The Servo simulation assignment

    If you have problems for example with

    - PID

    - Autotuner ("won't work, even though I have the license")

    Check the new instructions ("hints") under Servo simulation assignment



    The Servo simulation assignment on Wednesday 18.11.2020

    - instructions available on 17.11.2020 during lecture/exercise

    status (17.11.2020)

    - Simulation (Simulink) model added

    - Report Powerpoint added

    - Excel file for parameter tuning added

    - Instructions for simulation and tuning added

    - Lecture slides added



    Calculation Assignment 3 for Groups

    Update (16.1.2020) ->leakage equations in Powerpoint (page 7) corrected -> new Powerpoint file version.



    Calculation Assignment 3 for Groups is now available

    Deadline 4.12.2020

    - READ the Powerpoint file for instructions

    - Two (2) individual assignments (3.1 and 3.2)

    - Read also MathCad file Multiplication of vectors and elements in vectors.mcdx for instructions

      - The first Assignment (3.1) includes multiplication of vectors by scalars and also multiplication of individual vector elements.

    - Use MathCad template file for calculations and results. GROUP's outputs are these two files (use MathCad format also in documentation!):

      - Assignment_3_1_TEMPLATE.mcdx

      - Assignment_3_2_TEMPLATE.mcdx



    New Calculation Assignment for Groups soon available -> will be explained on 10.11.2020 (lectures/exercises).

    Servo simulation assignment materials partly added (lecture slides)

    The Servo tuning assignment the next week (Wednesday 18.11.2020).

    Some new hints available for

    Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (for GROUPS)

    Read the new file "Testing the ..." if you are interested in making the solver to operate more smoothly.

    Read also the instructions for "Simscape Results Explorer issue: Explorer not visible".



    Simscape Results Explorer issue: Explorer not visible:

    How solve the problem, go to

    Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (for GROUPS)



    Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (for GROUPS)

    Concentrate on pages 58 - 64

    The assignment Word file is now updated and official!

    The Powerpoint report file is now available!

    Deadline 9.12.2020



    On Wednesday 4.11.2020 simulation at 16.15 o'clock

    - last session with Simscape Assignment 1

    - we will continue with Simscape Assignment 2 ,.. which is a modification of Assignment 1 system.

    Most of the  materials now available

    Simscape Simulation assignment 2 

    Report Powerpoint still missing!

    Group calculation Assignment 3 also soon available



    On Tuesday 3.11.2020 Asko Ellman's (Tampere University) lecture at 16.15 o'clock

    - materials available in MyCourses

    Lecture material by Asko Ellman

    - some Asko's topics will included in Group Assignment 3

    On Wednesday 4.11.2020 simulation at 16.15 o'clock

    - last session with Simscape Assignment 1

    - we will continue with Simscape Assignment 2 ,.. which is a modification of Assignment 1 system, probably some materials will be available also on Wednesday

    Group calculation Assignment 3 also soon available



    NEW materials available for

    Simscape Simulation assignment 1

    1. More instructions (Phase 4 and 5) - Word file

    2. More template pages for reporting (Phases 4 and 5) - Powerpoint file

    3. Excel template for (Phase 5)



    NEW materials available for

    Simscape Simulation assignment 1

    1. More instructions (Phase 3) - Word file

    2. More template pages for reporting (Phase 3) - Powerpoint file

    3. Simulink template for (Phase 3) LS controller benchmarking (2020a and also older version 2018b)



    Assignment 1 GRADED



    Assignment 2 is ready for the Reseach Groups



    Some NEW materials available for

    Simscape Simulation assignment 1


    Check that you have Matlab / Simulink + Simscape (Fluids) installed or  available

    Matlab available for downloading and installation:




    Some materials available for

    Simscape Simulation assignment 1


    Check that you have Matlab / Simulink + Simscape installed or  available

    Matlab available for downloading and installation:




    Two Exercises week 41

    Tuesday 6.10.2020 at 16.15 o'clock :

    - background information for Calculation Assignment 2

    - Simscape simulation assignment starts (earlier than in the original schedule)

    Wednesday 7.10.2020 at 16.15 o'clock:

    - Simscape simulation assignment continues

    More material for a) Calculation Assignment 2 and b) Simscape assignment 1 to be added soon -> Assignments


    Check that you have Matlab / Simulink + Simscape installed or  available


     Update 29.9.2020

    Some Videos - links


    - load holding

    - load lowering


    Update (25.9.2020) for Assignment 1

    - version 25.9.2020

    - minor update

    Load masses different for each group -> see page 8


    Lecture on Tuesday 22.9.2020 at 16.15 o'clock -> hints for the Group calculation Assignment 1.

    Assignment 1 for Research Groups is now available under Assignments


    GROUPS: Research Groups for calculation assignments

    We will have 3 member groups (not 4 member groups)

    Select your Group (A - F)

    Use tool:

    Assignments -> Research Group selection

    Lecture/exercise Tuesday 15.9.2020 in TEAMS -> link and other instructions below!

    - information related to Calculation Assignment 1 (deadline 2.10.2020)


    SLIDE SETS under Materials

    Remote usage of Aalto's workstations

    Check the page and possibilities, if you find it interesting:


    More info:

    https://www.aalto.fi/fi/palvelut/it-palvelut-opiskelijoille  (FI) ->Etätyö - VPN ja VDI

    https://www.aalto.fi/en/it-for-students (ENG) -> Remote Work

    If this works / (does not) ->let us know! 

    The main idea for the course realization is that the "contact teaching" will be in TEAMS:

    Separate TEAMS links for the

    - lectures

    - simulations

    - lectures (Tuesdays at 16.15 o'clock) -> Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    - simulation sessions (6 official sessions, starting on 7.10.2020, on Wednesdays at 16.15. o'clock) -> Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    "See you" on Tuesday!


    Please, follow the Coronavirus situation and its effects on courses: 


    General idea for this Systems course is that we have the possibility for remote learning by using TEAMS or corresponding platform.

    However, we will follow the instructions given by the university!

    If you will use your own computer during the course ...


    - Mathcad (possibly free Mathcad Express)

    - Matlab + Simulink with Simscape toolbox (https://download.aalto.fi/index-en.html)

    Brief introduction to the "latest development" in Hydraulics


    The Topics  this yerar cover "energy efficient hydraulic system".

    On our list we have for example ...

    - Load Sensing systems - calculations and simulations

    - Direct Drive Hydraulics (DDH or EHA) - calculations and simulations

    - modern architectures (e.g. Multipressure system)

    More information to come!

    Schedule (this version includes also the "rooms" which may be virtual in practice)