
  • Course Home

    The course will start with a lecture on Monday the 26th of October at 13:15 in Teams. Welcome!

    This semester whole course is fully-remote, completely online and no presence at the campus is required. This course is organized for the first time, so all feedback is warmly welcomed and appreciated!

    If you have any questions or comments, please use Teams to do so. Try to use group chats rather than sending direct messages, as it creates a better sense of community and your concern is most likely answered faster.

    • Enkät icon
    • Lectures and Discussion Forum

      All course Lectures and Discussions are carried out in Teams (enrollment key will be provided when you have completed the Pre-course Questionnaire).

    • The Microsoft teams key for the course is: 2mpgsgl

    • Weekly Activities

      You should try to complete your weekly activities during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The submission deadline is only set to Friday to make sure every one has time to complete the quiz and exercise of the week even if they can't keep up with the intended schedule due to other courses.

      Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
      2h Lecture 2h Quiz 4h Exercise
      Submission DL 23:59
      2h Videos
      4h Exercise
      2h Exercise Debug
      Weekly Feedback
    • Course Schedule

      The course is designed so that it can be completed independently, at one's own pace. There are no mandatory participation requirements to lectures or exercise debug sessions. Also, all the exercises, quizzes and project work info are available from the beginning of the course so you can complete them at your own pace, as long as the exercises are done by the weekly deadline. Feel free to watch teaching videos ahead of time and move to next week's material if you wish at some point.

      Every week, there will be
      1. Teams Lecture (Mondays 13:15-15:00) topic of the week, exercises, practicalities, and last week's feedback
      2. Teaching Videos (Independent study)
      3. Weekly Quiz (Independent study)
      4. Exercise Debug (Wednesdays 13:15-15:00)
      5. Exercise and Quiz Deadline (Fridays 23:59)
      There will be five consecutive weeks like this, followed by three weeks of independent project work, which will be presented at the end of the course in a "virtual mini-gala" (on Wednesday 9.12. at 10:15 in Teams).

      Project work Deadline: Friday 4.12. 23:59!

      Week Dates Lecture & Videos
      Quiz Exercise
      1 (44)
      26.10.-30.10. Introduction Autonomous Driving
      Kinematic Models and Basic Control

      2 (45)
      2.11.-6.11. Control Control Basics
      Longitudinal and Lateral Control

      3 (46)
      9.11.-13.11. ROS Basics
      Intro to ROS
      ROS: Commands

      4 (47)
      16.11.-20.11. ROS Development
      ROS Development
      ROS: Programming

      5 (48)
      23.11.-27.11. ROS Applications
      ROS Debug ROS: Services
      6 (49)
      30.11.-4.12. [Project work disccusion]
      [Project work help session] Deadline 4.12. at 23:59!
      7 (50)

      Virtual Gala 9.12. at 10:15

    • Grading

      The course is graded based on your quizzes, exercise and project work according to the table below.

      Category Weight Points Min. points
      Quizzes 20 %
      5 x 10 = 50
      80 %
      Exercises 50 %
      5 x 25 = 125
      50 %
      Project 30 % 75
      50 %

      The total points is thus 250, however, you can get extra bonus points for giving feedback!
    • Forum icon
      Every week will start of with an announcement about the activities, practicalities and updates of the week.