Osion kuvaus

  • Retake exam is held on 8th of September (16:00-19:00) in a separate MyCourses workspace. Link to the workspace and registration key will be sent to the course participants 2 days before the exam. Enrolment in SISU. See the study list.

    The course starts on Thu 22th of April. The course has lectures in Zoom (link behind Upcoming events). The course has also assignments (four in total), which are indedendent homework, and they are given in the assignments section. Each assigmement has also a discussion session is Zoom after the return. See course introduction.

    Course evaluation is based on exam (80%) and assignments (20%).

    Granta EduPack is a useful tool in the course and it is recommended to install form download.aalto.fi.

    Welcome to the course!

    Risto Ilola

    (updated 20.05.2021)