Topic outline

  • STACK is an automated, personalised problem solving environment. In A0111 the STACK problems are used to help the students to review the new topics as they are introduced. The deadline for every set is one week after the corresponding lecture.

    As always, technology is made by humans for humans. Report all errors and oddities if and when you find them. Aalto is one of the lead developers of the system and the chances for a quick response are very high indeed.

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      Gaussian elimination. DL 5.11.

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      Matrix Notation and Matrix Multiplication. DL 10.11.

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      Triangular Factors and Row Exchanges. In the Cholesky decomposition problem the vector c refers to the indicated vector b. Also, the notation \( U^* = U^T = L \). It looks like multiplication on my screen and has confused at least one student already. DL 12.11.

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      Inverses and Transposes. DL 17.11.

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      Solving Ax=0 and Ax=b. DL 19.11.

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      Linear Independence, Basis, and Dimension. DL 24.11.

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      Linear Transformations. DL 26.11. Deadline extended by 24 h

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      Determinant. DL 1.12.

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      Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. DL 3.12.

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      Diagonalization of a Matrix. DL 8.12.

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      Bonus session, you can replace one previous set. DL 11.12.