Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    The course MS-A0402 is given in Period IV/2020-2021, starting with exercise sessions on Monday 1.3. and Tuesday 2.3.. When you register for the course on WebOodi, remember to also register for one (and only one) exercise group. The first lecture is given on Wednesday 3.3..

    Where are the lectures and exercise sessions? All online sessions are given on the same Zoom address, which is visible in the folder "Zoom". This folder is only visible to students and teachers who are registered for the course. The recordings of the lectures are published under "Materials" shortly after the lectures, and are visible to everybody. Make sure in advance of the first meetings, that Zoom works on your computer (as an application or in a browser).

    What is discrete math? Discrete Mathematics is the mathematics of finite and countable structures, or loosely speaking the mathematics of sets where there is no notion of "convergence". Methods from discrete mathematics play a large role in many other subjects, in particular in computer engineering and data science. In this course we cover the foundations of discrete mathematics (graphs, enumeration, modular arithmetic) as well as as the foundations of all mathematics on university level (set logic and proof techniques). We also study some modern applications of the theory, in cryptography and networks theory.

    For whom? The course is suitable for all Aalto students; no other prerequisites than high school mathematics are necessary.

    How is the course taught? The main methods of teaching is exploratory exercises, video lectures, and homework problems. In addition, you are expected to commit time to self study, through reading the course book, studying the slides, and solving additional exercises.

    • The first exercise session of the week starts by going through last week's homework solutions (except weeks 1 and 2) after which you are expected to work in groups on the current week's exploratory exercises.
    • The video lectures are recorded on Zoom on Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:15-10:00, and are published on the course page shortly after.
    • The second exercise session of the week is devoted to working on homework problems and additional problems.
    • Homework problems are due 18:00 on Saturdays 13.3., 20.3., 27.3., 3.4., 10.4., and are returned in the Assignments folder on the course page. You should then grade the homework solutions of two of your peers during the next week. Each week, you can get up to 8 points for your own homework solutions, and 2 points for grading the solutions of your peers.

    How are the grades decided? The course can be completed in two different ways, and the one that gives a student the better grade is automatically chosen for that student.

    • Homework + final exam. In this case, the best four (out of five) homework scores are counted, and account together for 40% of the grade. The remaining 60% is determined by the final exam. Homeworks are reported in writing, and graded by a fellow student via MyCourses.
    • Course exam. In this case, the exam result directly determines the grade.

    Who are the teachers?

    Ragnar Freij-Hollanti, Lectures and organization of the course as a whole.
    Olga Kuznetsova, Organization of exercises.
    Rahinatou Njah, Exercise group H01.
    Perttu Saarela, Exercise group H02.
    Jouni Tammenmaa, Exercise group H03.
    Email: firstname.lastname@aalto.fi