Osion kuvaus

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      Please upload your presentation here. Only one group member/team (with Aalto account) makes a submission.

      Deadline 28.01.21 noon


      In this task, each student has to search for nine references (3 art, design or architecture, 3 Mathematical concepts for example: geometry/topology and 3 free topic). After each student has their references; each team have to choose from all the members nine final references (three from each topic mentioned). 


      Each team has to show the following in a 5 - 7 min pdf-presentation. The presentation has to present the following:

      1.-TEAM INTRODUCTION (name of the team, backgrounds, interests)

      2. - GROUP REFERENCES TASK -each team have to present in 3 slides where there are shown the selected nine references from all the individual references. (1 slide per topic (3 images in each slide)


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      TASK 02 DL 16.02.2021

      THREE PRELIMINARIES CONCEPTS (preliminary proposals)

      What is a concept?

      A concept is the main idea behind the piece, is the motor or the main guide that will generate the object. This concept can be generated from an abstract idea, metaphors, geometrical shape by itself, a statement... these ideas will lead in the production of an art piece.


      Each team will have to produce three different concepts for your  (ideas), each concept will including the following:


      a)     Statement, for example: mathematical, structural, aesthetic, etc.. (how you approach your idea?), Why? (explanation, you can use reference images to explain your statement)

      b)     Implementation > how is it translated into something tangible? > graphical material like: diagrams, sketches, drawings, models, pictures, or even reference picture that are related to your concept, etc..)

      c)     Possible materiality: what could be made of? samples of materials? or images


      All teams will have to present a 10 min. presentation in pdf or power point. that will include the following:


      a)     Team name and presentation

      b)     Concept 01:

      ·   Title of your concept

      ·   Statement

      ·   Implementation

      ·   Possible materiality?

      c)     Concept 02:

      ·   Title of your concept

      ·   Statement

      ·   Implementation

      ·   Possible materiality?


      d)    Concept 03 (Development of your concept that includes the following)

      ·   Title of your concept

      ·   Statement

      ·   Implementation

      ·   Possible materiality?

      e)     Contact information of the team member that could be the team´s contact person.


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      Return your group outcomes to MyCourses by 26.2.  Presentations and feedback 4.3 in zoom

      A1: Otso Hyvärinen, Simo Muraja, Viljami Virolainen

      A2: Tom Henriksson, Ilkka Mutanen

      A3: Lumi Alastalo, Helena Karling

      B1: Filippa Sandberg, Perttu Yli-opas

      B2: Calvin Guillot Suarez, Faezeh Sadeghi

      C (online): Sanni Lares, Verneri Mäntysaari, Riitta Matikainen

      D (online): Emilia Söderström, Laura Timonen, Ekin Ünlü

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      • Use your own photo  or drawing and create a figure  benefitting the square shape.
      • Repeat  the element several times. Use square element as a basic motif where you make your drawing/photo
      •   Create  3 very  different compositions by using same elements

         with different systems

      •   Use symmetry, 90, 180 degrees turnings, half drop system as your       help
      •   return My courses   in digital form by 25.3 2021

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      TASK 03


      Deadline 16.03.21


      What is a concept?


      A concept is the main idea behind the piece, it is the motor or the main guide that will generate the object. This concept can be generated from an abstract idea, a metaphor, a geometrical shape by itself, a statement... these ideas will lead and finish into pieces. In this case, it can be approached from mathematical, structural or aesthetic aspects.


      This is the most important task; it is the one that will define the direction of your artwork (sculpture, piece, however you define it). You will have to choose one of the preliminary concepts from the Task 02 and develop it. According to the feedback in your presentation 02, your own criteria, your discussion as a team, you will have to choose one option and start refining, tuning and developing it.  Start analyzing the pros and cons of that proposal; what you can (take) or add or take out? This is the right time that big changes in your idea can be made; what can be modified? That will turn into an expressive and beautiful piece.




      You will have to do a pdf presentation (12 min max) with the following content:


      01.-Title of your concept

      02.-Development of your concept that includes the following:


      •      Statement

      What is the idea or the story behind your concept? How did you come up with this idea? How was it approached (mathematical, structural or in an aesthetic way.)? How does the concept relate to the exhibition and the topics of the course? Use words, sketches, diagrams, drawings and images to express and explain your concept.


      •      Implementation 

      How is it translated into something tangible, a physical expression? How is it expressed in the exhibition (use diagrams and drawings)? How will your abstract statement turn into a physical installation or object? Use diagrams and sketches etc. as a help.


      •      Prototyping (sketch models?) 

      a small Model or prototype of the 3d fundamental domain (in case there is one), module or one the main part of your piece. (we can discuss during the tutoring)  


      •      Drawings

      2D (elevations (means, the front or side view of your piece) with human scale) and 3D drawings (perspectives)


      •      Materiality

      Samples of the possible materials to use


      03.- Challenges and conclusions (some thoughts from you) in one slide. Share your concerns and feedback of your own work. An important challenge to consider when you design the piece, is that you have to do the set up in few days, so it is one further guideline for your design (how will this affect or modify your idea).


      Tips for your presentation:


      ·       No matter what you present do it in a clear way.

      ·       Practice your presentation at least one time.

      ·       Do a storyboard of your presentation before starting to work. (in that way you will know what you have to produce and you don’t produce extra or less than the expected)

      ·       Start from the general to the particular.

      ·       Agree, talk and communicate in your team.


      Advice. Work as a tree structure. The design, your concept, display solutions, light criteria (what kind of atmosphere you want to create) drawings etc. Work in parallel, multitask.


      Good Luck


      Crystal flowers teaching team

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      TASK 04


      Deadline 20.04.21


      Now that you have your concept defined and the idea visualized, the final stage is to bring that concept into a more realistic phase. You have to produce working plans and the final definition of your artwork. In the final presentation, you have to show all the changes in your piece according to your decisions, technical suggestions, budget etc… and make all the changes so it can be make it real.


      Final presentation will include:


      1.   PDF Presentation 15 min max. each group with the following:


      a)     Team Name

      b)     Title and statement of the piece (Brief description, diagrams, sketches and images)

      c)     Technical drawings (with human scale) (elevations, floor plans, sections), plans that will help you to produce your piece.)

      d)    Visualizations or perspectives with human scale

      e)     Prototypes (as many as you have) (photos or physical projects)

      f)      Materiality and technical implementation

      g)     Approx. budget

      h)    conclusions


      2.   Printed version


      a)     Please print all your documents in A3 (landscape, color) .




      Deadline (The opening of the exhibition)


      Basically, you have to produce your work, you have to make it real and you will have to build it




      Each team have many tasks at the same time to achieve your work:


      1.     Curiosity, be curious, search for the best solution (the most suitable, cheapest and easiest)

      2.     Respect the budget (1000€ including prototypes and models in the last presentations), double check prices, cheapest techniques and solutions,

      3.     ask, search, for the best solution,

      4.     Check materials-where to buy them (we can give you some tips)

      5.     Do you need to send something to produce? (Ask for prices and TIMETABLE!!!)

      6.     If we are producing something, where and when (ask for tips)

      7.     How do we transport the work? (We have to agree timetable between, group members, teachers…)



      SET UP


      Each team will have to do their own part in the setup of the exhibition, together with the teachers have to agree how you will do the set up. the team or at least part of it have to be present in all moment of the setup of their piece. Doing the setup it has to be safe during all time. In all moment there will be teachers and technicians helping you in your setup, but you have to consider that you are responsible of your own work.



      In case one team really need help, please communicate to your team mates and teachers. please consider to help each other as individual students, groups, classmates, teachers… To create a professional and good exhibition. This exhibition is not a collective exhibition where each artist or participant has an autonomous object independent from the others; this exhibition will work as a whole, where each work is as important as the others and all of them related to create the unique experience.



      Thank you and good luck


      Crystal Flowers teachers

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      Please submit filled infographics template and illustrations of your artwork. 

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      Please submit a PDF file for QR codes here.