
  • Allmänt

    Note! These MyCourses pages are not ready yet. They contain information copied from previous years pages and everything is not yet updated.

    • Course practices

      • There is no exam for this course. (If someone really wants to take an exam, it is possible to have one in an Exam-room.)
      • The grading is based on the homework (75%) and pre-lecture quizzes (25%).
      • We shall discuss the material interactively at the lectures. It is important to study the assigned pages of the lecture notes before each lecture.
      • There will be multiple choice lecture questions (in MyCourses) to be answered before each lecture (starting from the 2nd lecture).
      • In addition, there will be homework problems. DL for returning the written solutions is Friday (starting from the 2nd week i.e. first DL is November 6).
      • In the exercise sessions, you will get help on solving the homework. We will use Zoom-meetings and zulip-chat.
      • We use zulip chat for questions and discussions. Here is the invite link https://mse128020.zulipchat.com/join/htuadrcvecmeqv64gqu47vsv/. Please bear with us, this is new for us too.
      • Grading: Pre-lecture questions 12 * 1 points, homework 6 * 6 points, feedback questionary 2 extra points.
      • 90% -> 5, 80% -> 4, ... , 50% -> 1. 
      • The lectures will be in zoom. In practise, the plan is to use lecture hall M3 for giving the lecture. If you want to come to the lecture hall M3, it is possible. However, M3 is quite small. If many students want to attend the lectures, then we can switch to a lager lecture hall.
      • The lectures will not be recorded.