Osion kuvaus

  • Make a collection of 8 fabrics using the techniques studied during the course:

    • Fabric sample(s) printed with pigment colors. Samples can be printed using your personal screen, common screens or quick techniques.
    • Fabric sample(s) painted with reactive colours
    • Fabric sample(s) printed with reactive colours. Samples can be printed using your personal screen, common screens or quick techniques.
    • Fabric sample(s) printed digitally with Epson-printer (each student can print two)
    • Fabric sample(s) dyed with reactive colors
    • AND / OR: Samples that combine the above techniques 

    Size of the samples should be approx. 25 x 25 cm. Digital prints will be bigger,  35 x 40 cm. Also some other designs can be bigger, but then use your own cellulose-based materials. 

    The designs do not need to be in repeat, but they should give the impression of continuing surface design – don´t make just pictures.

    The concept of the collection can be freely chosen, but as the course is short and intensive, it is recommended to combine the theme into your other design projects. Students in Experimental Textile Design or Innovative Fashion Design will work on the concept of those courses.

    A product card should be made of each of the 8 swatches. Include in these all the information needed for producing the fabric design:

    • Material of the sample (e.g 100% CO)
    • Method used (e.g painting with reactive colors)
    • Dyes and other chemicals used, recipe (e.g recipe of the painting extender with the dye)
    • Instructions, the steps needed to accomplish the process (e.g how did you paint, and how you made the finishings)
    • Photo of the fabric
    • The screen- or digital file used (if applicable)
    • Write in the cards also: Name of the collection, name of the design and your name.

    Final submission

    Make a pdf-file with multiple pages containing:

    • Some pages from your research
    • Photographs of your fabrics as a collection 
    • Product cards
    Upload the file in MyCourses prior to final critic sessionI. Inaddition, give the actual samples for Maija for evaluation

    Evaluation: Active participation and Design assignment:

    • creativity of the samples, artistic expression
    • use of printing and dying methods
    • use of color and material
    • surface design: rhythm and composition
    • coordination of the collection

    Study books:
    In English:
    • Pellonpää-Forss, 2018: Contemporary Colour Methods (e-book)
    In Finnish:
    • Pellonpää-Forss, 2016: Värimenetelmät II
    • Pellonpää-Forss, 2009: Kankaanpainanta

    Other literature:
    Niinimäki, Saloniemi (toim.), 2008: Kretongista printtiin
    Joanna Kinnersly-Taylor: Dyeing and Screen-printing on textiles