
  • Welcome to the Experimental Textile Design Course!

    In this course students are familiarized with traditional, new, and experimental textile materials and production methods. They gain an understanding of how to use textile materials and techniques as a form of expression. Students learn to manage creative processes resulting in innovative products and collections and recognize the new opportunities in the field of textiles related to neighbouring disciplines. Students without previous knowledge of textile techniques learn the basics of knits and knitwear, printed fabrics and/or woven fabrics within basic studio courses. The approach of this course is practice-led and explorative and relies on the personal research.

    The ARTS students can take part in the multidisciplinary ENGARTs project within the course module. In this multidisciplinary project ENGARTs teams collaboratively work on projects combining science and technology with textile design practices. ENGARTs projects are facilitated and guided by department of engineering staff.

    The ENGARTs project establishes an innovative and collaborative platform for students to merge technology and design and to explore new ways of developing experimental textiles, materials, and fabrication methods through research and concept development.

    • Tidsbokning icon
      Maarit's optional tutoring week 48 in zoom Tidsbokning
    • Tidsbokning icon
      Oldouz Moslemian / Optional Explorative Samples Remote Tutoring / 17.11.2020 Tidsbokning
    • Tidsbokning icon
      Tuomas Puttonen / Optional ENGARTs remote Tutoring / 10.11.2020 Tidsbokning