Topic outline

  • General

    Warm welcome to the Designing for Services course!

    You will find all the relevant information on course structure and learning goals on the syllabus.

    IMPORTANT! You have all the updated places on the course syllabus and we keep you informed for changes. When you have any questions, please address them to teaching assistant Annukka Svanda annukka.svanda at


    Time schedule

    The following lectures will be held mostly online through zoom. In addition to these, the course has a case study project in collaboration with the City of Espoo that will require a full presence and active group work. Few days will be in Otaniemi and they have the room numbers confirmed.

    Week 1 Dive into the topic

    7 Sept 2020 13.15-17 Introduction  Väre F101

    9 Sept 2020 9.15-12 Espoo: meeting the project owners, teams and groups In ZOOM

    9.15-10.10 briefs presented

    10.10.-10.20 break

    10.20-10.30 discussion together

    10.30-11.45 groups in separate zoom-rooms with partners

    11.45-12 discussion together

    11 Sept 2020 9.15-12 First team presentations on the brief, research plan, tutoring  Väre Q202

    9.15 -10.40 Provotype presentations 10 min/team + feedback/discussion


    Week 2 Field research

    14 Sept 2020 13.15-17 Service design, participation & co-creation framework, Tuuli IN ZOOM

    13.15 On service design and participation/ Tuuli

    14.00-14.45 DA Mariana Salgado/ in-house design at MIGRI 


    15.00-17.00 Navigating co-creation /Tuuli

    16 Sept 2020 9.15-12 Conducing fieldwork, Nuria  IN ZOOM 

    18 Sept 2020 9.15-12 Research analysis Tools and methods, Nuria  IN ZOOM

    Week 3 Frame your action

    21 Sept 2020 13.15-17 Seminar on internationalization, Annukka et al 

    NOTICE: different zoom link


    23 Sept 2020 9.15-12 Intro to digital services + tutorials, Nuria & Annukka Väre F102

    25 Sept 2020 9.15-12 Mid-term presentation: Reframe of brief and initial findings – written feedback, reflection on teamwork and project  IN ZOOM

    Week 4 Insight and ideas

    28 Sept 2020 13.15-17 Collaborative models of services (Engagement, Implementation & Blueprints), Nuria  IN ZOOM

    30 Sept 2020 9.15-12 Concept development. Tools and Methods, Nuria  IN ZOOM

    2 Oct 2020 9.15-12 Experience prototyping & User testing, Nuria  IN ZOOM

    Week 5 Synthesising & design interventions

    5 Oct 2020 13.15-17 Literature workshop, tutoring, Tuuli, Nuria, Annukka IN ZOOM

    7 Oct 2020 

    9.15-10.15 Design stories from the Swedish public employment services, Netta Korhonen, MA (COID Alumni)  

    10.30-12 Ulla Jones, Customer experience lead, DNA IN ZOOM 

    9 Oct 2020 9.15-12 Systems thinking & transition design, Idil Gaziulusoy  IN ZOOM

    Week 6 Finalising 
    12 Oct
    2020 13.15-17 Rehearsals  IN ZOOM
    14 Oct 2020 9.15-12 Final presentations  IN ZOOM

          9.15 Welcoming words
          9.20 Museum, group 1
          9.50 Employment services, group 2
          10.20-10.30 break
          10.30 Talent Espoo/ Baby Box, group 3
          11.00 Talent Espoo/ Work life, group 4
          11.30 City planning, group 5
          12.00 Thank you words. 

    16 Oct 2020 9.15-12 Designing for services - wrap up, reflection, and dead line for deliverables IN ZOOM