PHYS-E0461 - Introduction to plasma physics for fusion and space applications D, 07.09.2020-09.12.2020
This course space end date is set to 09.12.2020 Search Courses: PHYS-E0461
Topic outline
By far, the most appropriate written material for this course is:
F. Chen: Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol. 1 "Plasma Physics"
(Vol. 2, "Controlled Fusion" was not, unfortunately, ever published. )
Other, very useful material:
Wesson: TokamaksThis is the "Bible" for fusion plasma physics: in contains 'everything'. However, it is NOT a textbook but, rather, a reference document.Fitzpatrik: Lecture-notes-manuscriptWell written text on basic plasma physics but generally with more advanced math. However, strongly recommended supplementary reading with discretion. PDF attached with author's permission.Karttunen: Plasmafysiikan perusteetMost appropriate for this course but written in Finnish. Scanned copy attached.
Koskinen: Johdatus plasmafysiikkaan ja sen avaruussovelluksiinOther useful material:-
As you can see from the front page, this material was compiled several logos ago. ;) But the basic plasma physics stands time better than different logo versions! The level of this material is quite appropriate for our course but, unfortunately, not one-to-one match. But even for our non-Finnish-speaking participants this might have the additional advantage of providing a nice platform for learning Finnish -- the common language is, of course, math.