REC-E4100 - Real Estate Finance D, 01.03.2021-14.04.2021
This course space end date is set to 14.04.2021 Search Courses: REC-E4100
Topic outline
Preliminary lecture plan
Date Topic 1.3. Introduction 2.3. Real estate investment strategy + Real estate returns 8.3. Executing a real estate portfolio strategy and alternative ways to invest in real estate 9.3. Alternative ways to invest in real estate 15.3. 13.15- 17.00 Real Estate Indices, Return and Risk of Real Estate (Martin Hoesli) 16.3. 10.30 - 12 and 13-14.30 Portfolio Diversification, Derivatives (Martin Hoesli) 22.3. Listed instruments (REIT+REOC) 23.3. Listed instruments + Private equity real estate funds 29.3. Private equity real estate funds 30.3. Open-ended real estate funds 6.4. Management fees and incentives + wrap up Preliminary tutorial scheduleDate Topic 10.3. Risk and return 17.3. Indices and portfolios 24.3. Listed real estate 31.3. Private equity real estate 7.4. Open-end funds and Management Fees -
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