TU-C2080 - Entrepreneurship Essentials, 07.09.2020-31.07.2021
This course space end date is set to 31.07.2021 Search Courses: TU-C2080
Topic outline
NOTE! To get your grades, if you have registered previously in Oodi, please (re)register in SISU: https://sisu.aalto.fi/student/courseunit/aalto-OPINKOHD-1142551412-20210801/brochure
Do you want to learn how to start something new and make an impact? This course will introduce you to entrepreneurship and teach you the basics of setting up your own business.
It is a fully online course. All work supposes to be done individually.
The course opens up through the story of the cartoon persona Veera – the budding entrepreneur. You will get to follow Veera on her journey towards setting up her own company.
It consists of nine modules, each having the following structure:
· Entrepreneurial/business design problem/situation (video)
· Ways to handle the situation (video)
· Supporting material (optional)
· Quiz
There is no prerequisites. The course can be taken as an introduction to other entrepreneurial courses (eg Startup Experience) or as a stand-alone course. The course replaces TU-E4130 – Refresher on Business Research
Language - English
Learning objectives
The course goal is to provide students with an overview of the entrepreneurship process. After the course, you will be able to
- summarize important steps of setting up a new business;
- give examples of different methods & approaches used to develop new businesses
- explain key startup development terminology
Workload - 1 ECTS
Individual study based on online content, 27h
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Online assignments pass/fail
Studying the course
Follow these steps to do the course:
Register for the course in Oodi: https://oodi.aalto.fi/a/opettaptied.jsp?OpetTap=1144206082&html=1
Create and account and enroll for the course on the AVP site: https://avp.aalto.fi/course/entrepreneurship-intro/ . Note that you must use your Aalto email and full name to enroll.
Do the course at your own pace. To follow your progress and to get back to the course, use the link https://avp.aalto.fi/online-courses/dashboard/ . The link can also be found in the footer of the AVP site.
If you find bugs or need help, contact either of the responsible teachers (emails below).
Once you have completed the course, send a notification to either of the responsible teachers and you will get your credit registered.Course instructors and contact persons:
Håkan Mitts, hakan.mitts@aalto.fi