Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the home page of TU-E2031 - Advanced Project-based Management D, Spring 2021 (5 cr)! 

    The advanced project management course consists of 9 lectures held on Thursdays (duration around 4 h). Participation in all the 9 lectures is obligatory.

    Each lecture has a pre-assignment that is launched one week before the lecture, and the student must submit the pre-assignment to MyCourses the day before the lecture at noon (i.e., on Wednesday at 12.00 hours). The workload of the pre-assignment is substantial.

    Submitting (and passing with grades 1-5) all 9 pre-assignments by their deadlines is mandatory for passing the course. The pre-assignments will be graded.

    PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE TIMING OF THE PRE-ASSIGNMENT FOR THE FIRST LECTURE: You are expected to submit your pre-assignment in a normal order on the day before the first lecture, i.e. on Wed 13.1.2021 at noon (i.e. at 12.00 hours) at the latest. THIS REQUIRES THAT YOU START WORKING FOR THE COURSE WELL BEFORE THE FIRST LECTURE TAKES PLACE (i.e., by working on the pre-assignment of the first lecture).

    Please recognize also that this pre-assignment will require a lot of your attention and working time. Delays from the submission deadline are unacceptable.   


    The course will be arranged during Periods III-IV.

    Please refer to the course syllabus for more information about the workload. 

    The first lecture will be held in Zoom on Thursday 14th January at 12:15 - 15:30.

    All essential information associated with the course will be available on this MyCourse page.  It is advisable to turn on email notifications from this course in order to receive the latest updates and possible schedule changes in real-time. 

    For further information please refer to the contents available on this web-page, and if you need further assistance or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the course staff (course assistant).

    Welcome to the course!

    Course staff


    Prof. Karlos Artto (

    Jere Lehtinen (jere.j.lehtinen[at]

    Course assistant:

    Tom Olsson (