TU-E4100 - Startup Experience D, 12.01.2021-15.04.2021
This course space end date is set to 15.04.2021 Search Courses: TU-E4100
Topic outline
Sprint Week Date Description Assignment 613 Tuesday 30.3. Checklist for startups, like important documents (shareholder agreement, company bylaws), , ecosystem Deadline Monday 9pm 13 Thursday 1.4. TBA 14 Tuesday 6.4. Easter - no session 14 Thursday 8.4. PITCH 4. REHEARSAL PITCH / VIDEO Slide submission Wednesday 9pm
13:15 Opening the event
13:20-13:40 Case / Sebastian Nemeth (please arrive 13:10, presentation time 13:20-13:35 + 5 min Q&A)
13:40-14:10 NewCo / Henrik Keinonen (please arrive 13:30, presentation time 13:40-14:00 + 10 min Q&A)
14:10-14:40 Business Finland / Antti Salminen (please arrive 14:00, presentation time 14:10-14:30 + 10 min Q&A)
14:40-15:00 Aalto’s Ecosystem / Ilja Riekki (please arrive 14:30, presentation time 14:40-14:55 + 5 min Q&A)
15:00-16:00 Matchbox Orientation and Remo. We will be using remo with this link: https://live.remo.co/e/matchbox-intro-at-startup-experi
Video: https://aaltofi-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/roni_j_lahti_aalto_fi/EbR1JzUvlTJOo_WrmonUjjABnK6z9SleO5JsNomFJysntw?e=VdHDat -
1. Team name (you are no longer team 1, team 2, etc)
2. Team logo (one logo per team) File format: .png or .svg
3. Project description (2 sentences max to describe your project/business/startup, please keep this short and sweet)
4. Who will be presenting on that day. We will need the name to assign speaker role during the event.
Deadline: 6th April 2021 by 12:00 pm. Please send your submissions to me (Teddy Tran). email: duy.tran@aalto.fi
Please label your submission. example: team 1_logo