
  • To complete this unit you need to

    1. Participate the introductory lecture (optional) or watch the introduction videos
    2. Get access to the course materials stored in the Zotero library.
    3. Read the instructions for written assignments and plagiarism policy.
    4. Complete the unit 1 discussion forum task according to the instructions that will be posted to the forum.
    5. Choose a group to indicate what you want to learn. The course content may be customized based on the choice.
    6. Do pre-exam signup.
    7. Study for the pre-exam and complete the pre-exam.

    The purpose of the introduction unit is to familiarize you with how a blended learning course works. The unit starts with an introductory lecture, followed by a short introductory forum task. The introductory unit concludes with the course pre-exam.

    • You are currently missing at least one of the mandatory parts of this unit. To mark this unit as completed, you need to complete the pre-exam (receive a grade) and the Unit 1 discussion forum.

    • Forum icon
    • Course practicalities

      These videos explain how the course works and explain some things that you could consider when choosing which statistical software to use for the course assignment.

    • Course materials

      The reading materials for the course are distributed through the Zotero reference management system. To get access to the materials:

      1. Create an user account at Zotero.org
      2. Email your username to the course instructor
      3. The course instructor will send you an invitation to a group library, which you need to accept.

      After you have accepted the invitation, you can access the material either online with a web browser or by installing the Zotero software on your computer and entering your username and password to the synchronisation options.

    • Tools for online teaching

      Because of the pandemic, the course will run fully online. We will use Zoom for seminars and computer classes. In the computer classes, some of the guidance can be provided using Zoom's remote control feature. If you are using a Mac, you will need to adjust your security settings of your computer to allow this to happen. You will need to do this after the remote control session has been initiated the first time.

    • Flinga is another online teaching tool that we will use on the course. Flinga is like an online whiteboard where we can add PostIt notes and draw. See the following short video on how to add content to Flinga. You can also try it out using the whiteboard linked below.
    • Choosing a statistical software

      The analysis techniques that we cover on the course are fairly basic and can be completed with any general statistical package. The course provides support for Stata, R, and SPSS. If you do not have any experience on any of these software, Stata is recommended. More technically oriented students R might also be a good alternative. If you are not sure how to get access to these software, please use the course discussion forum to ask about this.

      If you want to get a thorough introduction to these software, you can also try completing the analysis assignments using different software. The two videos below discuss differences between the software.

    • Group choice

    • Gruppval icon
    • Pre-exam

    • Omröstning icon
    • Fil icon
    • Materials