Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    The City & The Countryside

    Two trends come together in the world's cities to make urban sustainability a critical issue today. First, numbers of people living in urban areas are growing, and are projected to do so for the foreseeable future. Second, cities contribute to climate change in a significant way, and must make systemic changes to mitigate and adapt to climate change effects. The Urban Challenge Studio II addresses the theme The City & The Countryside.

    The humans and their relation to Earth-system science or the technology created philosophical and sociological discussions on the sustainability. Humans and their relation to Earth-system science is discussed in the Anthropocene scientific notion, while their relation to the technology is dealt with in the unplugging notion. Additionally, the priorities of developing the cities, democracy and governing systems colorthe cities as cities on sale, luxury cities etc.

    According to the new norms of the Finnish planning system, a dense settlement structure should be promoted not only in urban centres but also in rural areas in order to curb climate change and improve the viability of communities (Maarit, 2016). But is the density the way to achieve the goals? The studio addresses the growth of the countryside located in the urban fringe of the municipality of Porvoo. 

    Tools:Representational models, QGIS,...

    How to enable a balanced growth of the city and countryside that sustains the functional relation between both communities?

    Hossam (H), Johan (J), Karen (K), Michail (M), Pia (P), Teemu (T), Tuulia Puustinen (TP)

    STUDIO 2 - Lectures & General assembly zoomdome (9.15-12.00)
    Meeting ID: 615 6254 0763

    The link to tutoring slots (13.15-17.00)
